There will be not much to report today. After morning prayer and petit dejeuner, I just felt chilly all over. I returned to my room and went back to bed. I slept soundly for a few more hours until Mass. After Mass I went for a walk. It was warming up nicely after several days of freezing temperatures. Walking in the sun felt good.
I took the book that Monsigneur Rey gave me as a gift which he authored, entitled simply, "Le Pretre" (The Priest).
I just perused through the chapters and read passages at random. This will become my study for the remainder of the retreat days - and probably some time after Rome too.
In the introduction, Bishop Rey writes, "A pastor is a man marked by his roots and his origins, known by his accent and mannerisms, and does not dwell on those things which degenerate into vices. He knows he is not a saint, even as he discovers a growing desire to become one." This down-to-earth style is what I like. I don't think I am all that lofty in my thoughts and vision of priesthood. I enjoy the life in my parish and among parishioners and friends. As Bishop Rey also writes. "The priest imitates Christ by immersing himself into the life of the community as Christ did among his people."
My two days with this very personable and approachable bishop have given me some new insights into my vocation and the life of the church. I hope to discover more as I study his book more carefully.
I will return to the Novena tomorrow. If I am feeling better, I will take the 2K walk into the village. I will be alone at the retreat center. Wednesday is the day all the Dominicans hike up to the grotto. Hopefully, I will take my lunch at a restaurant in town. I need stamps and other items of a mundane nature.
Bonne Nuit