Day 9 - Novena to St. Marie Magdelene.
Openning Prayer (See Day 1)
Read from the Gospels:
Matthew 28:7-10
Marc 16:7-11
Luke 24:9-11
John 20:17-18
"Mary is doubly priviliedged as a witness: the first to see the Risen One, alive from the tomb, freed and delivered from death; but also the first to hear that He returns to the Father and she should tell the brothers. First messenger of the Resurrection and the Anscension. The tradition gives her the title 'Apostle to the Apostles'.
"Actually, it was not to his Apostles that the risen Christ manifested himself, rather to these women who followed him from Galilee, beginning with Mary Magdalene. At the same time, it is certainly to the eleven that they are sent, and not directly to the world. Here is the plan of the fundamental structure of the church: all Christians can have an experience of God, a true knowledge of the 'sensus fidei', all the faithful are sent on the mission to give witness to Christ, but in communion with the apostolic hierarchy which confirms its authenticity.
"Mary, she of the seven demons, is sent as a witness of the divine mercy, just as Christ founded his church on the faith of Peter, who denied him: founded not on those who are perfect, but on those who are forgiven sinner."
What a great blessing to know that none of us has to be perfect to be counted among the disciples of the Risen One! Each day, when we recognize the call of Christ in the world around us; the needs of the poor, the hungry and homeless, those who are hungry for the Word, those who could care less about the Word, those who are struggling to make ends meet, those whose hearts are broken by children who abandon the faith, - the list is endless - we are all called to give witness to the grace which we experience in our lives. Christ who conquered sin and death, is beside us as we conquer the small crises, and major tragedies of our lives. This is what is meant to share in His Paschal Mystery.
Mary Magdelene's life is testimony to the Paschal mystery. She was lifted up out of her guilt, her suffering and shame because she allowed Jesus to do this for her.
Are we ready to allow Jesus to do the same thing?
"Closing Prayer:
Lord, OUr God, it was to Mary-Magdelene
that your beloved son entrusted the first announcment
of the Paschal joy;
grant to us, through her prayer and her example
the grace to announce the risen Christ
and to contemplate the day of His glory.
He who lives and reigns for ever and ever.