We had an early morning today. We began with Mass at 7:15AM. 20 of our group was preparing to leave for the Holy Land; 10 others made plans to travel elsewhere around Europe. I was the celebrant at the morning Mass and had the opportunity to use the blessing of pilgrims from the Book of Blessings. It was wonderful to pray together and asks God's favor on our travels.
I arrived in the Holy Land at 5:00PM local time. The flight was completely uneventful. Passing through customs was quick.
This is very short tonight. There is not much to report and I will have no internet connection for the next 4 days. We are staying at convents and retreat centers who do not offer internet service to their guests. I guess there are not too many blogging pilgrims around here. The next time I will have regular access is on Tuesday when we arrive in Jerusalem.
I started to read Pope Benedict XVI's newly released book. It is the second volume of his work called "Jesus, of Nazareth". I was moved by his words in the introduction and I had to stop for reflection. The Pope writes, "I hope that I have been granted an insight into the figure of our Lord that can be helpful to all readers who seek to encounter Jesus and to believe in him." Our pope is praying for the grace to say the right things. I believe this is a genuine act of humility and love on the part of the vicar of Christ. We don't often think of popes in this way. In just the first part of the book, I have already gained some of the insights that he prays for.
Let me give you a quick run down on my itinerary for the next few days. I'm sorry to say that I will not be able to post pictures. I am hoping that I will be able to catch up with the backlog of things I know will be happening. I will have to resort to the old fashioned technique of hand writing in journal.
Friday March 25: Tel Aviv to Haifa. We will visit Caesarea Maritima where the first Gentiles were baptized by Peter. Paul was also imprisioned here while awaiting his transport for his trial in Rome. WE will visit and celebrate Mass at the Cave of Elijah and Mount Carmel. Read I Kings 19.
Saturday, March 26: Haifa to the Mount of Beatitudes and Nazareth. We will celebrate Mass at Cana.
Sunday, March 27: Capernaum to Caesarea Philippi. Visit the upper Galilee region and the Jordan River.
Monday, March 28: Mt Tabor, the mount of transfiguration, for the celebration of Mass. We will visit a historic Kibbutz, then to the site of the multiplication of loaves.
Tuesday, March 29: To Jerusalem via the Decapolis and Meggido. On to the Qumran. There will be the chance for a swim in the Dead Sea. Bethany and Mass at the Franciscan Chapel next to Lazarus' tomb.
Wedensday, March 30: Rachel's tomb, Bethlehem and the church of the Nativity, Shepherd's Field, the cave of St. Jerome, and the church of St. Catherine of Alexandria. Tonight is Skype night. I'm still not quite sure how all this will work. By the grace of God and the technical proficiency of our friends at the Pilgrim United Congregational Church, it will all work out well.
Thursday, March 31: The Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane and Old Jerusalem.
Friday, April 1: Western Wall, (foundation of the ancient Jewish Temple.
Saturday, April 2: Mass at the Holy Sepulchre. To the airport and return to Rome by around 8:00PM.
Well folks I am surprised that the internet is still connected. I will make every attempt to fill you in on all the activities as the days progress. You can take any of the locations, churches, or names that I have mentioned and google them. I know you will come up with pictures and information. And remember that in all these places I will be praying for St. John Naumann Parish. I will be making a special prayer for our catechumens who are getting closer to the reception of the Easter Scraments. I will truly miss not being there with you on that night.
Blessings everyone and Shalom!
Fr. Rick