Thursday, December 2, 2010


Happy Advent everyone.
It's been a while since I posted anything. Its great news that brings me back here.
On November 11, the Lilly Endowment notified me that our grant proposal was acccepted and St. John Neumann Parish is the recipient of the 2011 Clergy Renewal Program Grant. The funds will offset the expenses incurred by the parish for my sabbatical. It will also greatly reduce my out-of-pocket expenses for personal travel and activities not provided by the diocese or the parish. The Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Program envisions time away from ministerial duties to include a well-balanced agenda including time for spiritual growth, theological updating, and personal enrichment. I am grateful to the committee who worked to envision this time for me and for the parish. The grant proposal narrative is posted on the parish website.
This is a real Advent experience for me. The preparation and the anticipation of all that awaits me is a bonus of this year's Advent season. Thanks for all your support and prayers.